Beauty & Fashion

10 Self-Care Activities to Do with Your Girlfriends

Spending time with friends is a fabulous way to reduce your stress, as is pampering yourself with self-care activities. Why not combine these two things into a super-powerful group self-care session? If all your self-care has been solo so far, and you need some inspiration for activities you can do with your girlfriends, here are 10 suggestions you should check out:

1. Spend some time outside

1.      Spend some time outside.

Being in nature is good for your brain and your body—and being in nature with a friend is even better. Pick an easy group activity, such as going for a hike or a bike ride, and take advantage of good weather. If you’re not up for more rigorous activities, going for an easy walk or even just having a picnic outside are also great options. The fresh air will do both of you good!

 2.      Have a spa day.

Hitting the spa is a tried-and-true self-care activity for a reason. If you need a pick-me-up, you and your friends can get manicures and pedicures, massages, facials and more. If visiting a spa isn’t in the budget, you can easily pamper yourselves at home as well. Thanks to the explosion of skin and hair care products, there are plenty of masks, exfoliating treatments and more that you can try at home for a fraction of the cost. So put on your lazy day clothes, turn on some soothing music and get to pampering.

 3.      Take a mini road trip.

Sometimes a change of scenery is what you need, and even just going for a scenic drive nearby can help you feel better. However, if you’re up for it, you and your friends can also turn it into a day trip to a nearby town or city. Plan a couple of stops, such as cute stores and restaurants, but be sure to also leave plenty of time for enjoying the scenery. The journey is just as important as the destination.

 4.      Hang out with animals.

Petting a dog makes you feel better. It’s science. And it’s not just a dog, but many different types of animals, including cats, rabbits and more. If you don’t have pets, but your friend does, hanging out at their house can help you feel better. If you’re the one with the animals rather than the other way around, consider inviting your friend to your house so she can reap the benefits of some quality animal time.

 5.      Get dressed up for no reason.

5. Get dressed up for no reason.

You don’t have to put on fancy clothes or wear makeup, which is why it can be fun to do it every once in a while just because. Have your friends over, try out your craziest makeup looks and put on your fanciest clothes and comfortable shapewear. You can turn it into a glamorous night in by putting on a mood-setting playlist and mixing up some fun new cocktails. Who needs to go to a bar when you can party within the comfort of your home?

 6.      Start a hobby together.

Regardless of your work and family commitments, it’s really important to have hobbies that you pursue purely because you’re interested in them (and that you do only for fun—i.e., you aren’t trying to monetize them as a side hustle). However, it can be hard to carve out time to do your hobbies on your own, which is why it’s a good idea to do with a friend. You’re less likely to bail on a friend than on yourself, and taking up a new hobby together might bring you closer than ever.

 7.      Have a movie night.

Seeing a movie is a time-honored tradition for a reason. Check out what’s showing at your local theater, or put on your best lounge clothing and queue up a movie on your home TV. If you live apart from your friends and can’t get together in person, you can also host a virtual watch party using an external app such as Teleparty. Some streaming services such as Hulu and Disney+ now offer group watch functionality within the platform itself. The hardest thing will be choosing something to watch! 

8.      Share a beverage or meal.


There’s something about breaking bread with the people that you love that’s very soothing and calming. For a low-effort gathering, grab some fancy coffee beverages or food from your favorite restaurant and enjoy eating together. If you want to make it more interactive, you can take a cooking or beverage class together, either virtually or in person. Learning to make a new drink or dish is a great way to spend time together and take your mind off other stressors. 

9.      Do some yoga.

Yoga is great for stress relief, especially if you do a class with a meditative component to it. If you and your friends are familiar with yoga, one of you can lead a routine, or you can follow a video. If you all need a little assistance, consider taking a class (either virtual or in-person) with an expert instructor. They will guide you through the poses and ensure that you don’t accidentally hurt yourself.

 10.  Take a workout class.

If yoga isn’t your thing and you prefer something a little more intense, exercising together is a great way to boost your mood and encourage the release of feel-good hormones. Pick an exercise activity that both of you enjoy, whether that’s running, playing tennis or lifting weights. Bonus points if you pick an activity that requires at least two people! 

Bust stress and bond with your friends by doing your self-care together. Whether you want to have a chill afternoon at home or a fun night on the town, try out some of these self-care activities with your girlfriends for a relaxing day.

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