Beauty & Fashion
Fashion Lifestyle

How short is “too short” for a prom dress?

Prom happens once every year. In most cases, it’s aimed directly at those about to leave the school. However, some schools allow more than one year to attend the prom, effectively giving you more than one chance at this special occasion.

However, regardless of how many proms you get to go to, one thing is certain, you’ll want to look your best. That means you need a stunning dress that makes you look and feel fantastic. Of course, you also want to make sure you’re unique.

That’s why the array of dresses on offer has changed so much and why you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of choosing the right prom dresses. As it is no longer essential to wear a classic ball gown to the prom, many women have started to choose shorter dresses, pantsuits, and even ones with plunging tops.

It is worth noting that a short dress is a great way to show off your legs. That’s good if you have stunning legs or are short and want to appear taller. But, you need to be careful that your prom dress isn’t too short.

How Short Is Too Short?

The exact definition of too short will depend on your personal viewpoint. It’s fair to say that the prom is a formal occasion so, no matter how confident you feel, you can’t be wearing a prom dress that displays your butt cheeks or more.

However, exactly how far the dress can be up your thigh is debatable. There are several things you should consider:

  • Comfort

Whatever you are wearing you need to feel comfortable in it. That means, spare a moment to consider what other outfits you wear and how long or short they are. If you don’t usually wear a microskirt then prom is not a good place to start!

But, if all your dresses and skirts are micro, it’s worth considering it for your prom.

The best way to decide is to consider what you are comfortable in. That means, will you be able to wear the dress and forget about it or will you be self-conscious/constantly pulling it downward. If it’s the latter your dress is too short.

A nice rule of thumb is to stand with your back to a mirror and then bend over so that you can see the mirror through your legs. If your reflection shows anything you would rather it didn’t, your dress needs to be longer.

  • Dress Code

Before you choose or even consider a dress length make sure you have checked the dress code for your prom. There is a good chance it will specify dresses that end at the knee or lower, or something similar.

If the code dictates the length of your dress you’ll need to adhere to it if you want to get in, regardless of whether the code is fair or not.

  • Other people

Finally, check with friends and classmates to see what they are wearing and how long their dresses are. It will help you to find the right balance and wear something that makes you look and feel sensational without being too short.


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