Beauty & Fashion

5 Tips For Packing Your Fashion Clothes

For some of us, clothes are the last items we pack when moving. The logic goes that packing clothes is child’s play and doesn’t take much time; all we have to do is toss them into a box or garbage bag and be done with it.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Packing clothes not only eats up time, but it will also take much longer than you think it will. A lot of people underestimate the effort that goes into it, only to find themselves caught up in a last-minute dash as they try to beat the clock.

What that does is only add to the stress of moving. You already have enough of that, and you don’t really want to exacerbate matters. One thing that can make the process a bit easier is to have a complete moving checklist, as you pack everything.

Not only that, but poor packing methods will give you a much harder time when you get to your new place, whether it’s with the unpacking, ironing, or cleaning dirty linen, literally speaking (sorry, we couldn’t avoid that one!).

Clothes are fragile items, your fashion pieces even more so. Therefore, if you’re not planning to use professional packers and movers, you should incorporate packing methods that will uphold their condition while ensuring you also enjoy easy, stress-free moving.

Here are five tips to help you do just that.

  • Marie Kondo your wardrobe

Marie Kondo is the doyen of tidying up and her methods can help you declutter your wardrobe effectively – and other areas of your home in general.

The average American purchases an insane number of clothing items and shoes each year – 64 items and 7.5 pairs of shoes respectively every year, according to one report.

These items can really pile up over the years, and it’s not until when you’re moving house that you realize “Houston, we have a problem”.

When moving, it is advisable to trim down your belongings as much as possible. This not only helps keeping moving costs down, but also is an excellent opportunity to declutter our homes.

Our wardrobes are the most common area we should be concentrating our efforts. So, take the time to sort out clothing items that are past it, an ill fit, or you feel you’ve outgrown. These items can either be donated, sold, or passed on to say, friends.

  • Sort by type of clothing or season

After going through your wardrobe and deciding what to throw out and what to keep, next you need to sort out the clothing.

You can either choose to do this by season or type of clothing.

Sorting by season involves separating the clothing by putting summer and winter pieces separately. Of course, that doesn’t mean to dump them all together. T-shirts, blazers, and delicate garb needs to be packed separately; ditto winter outfits like coats, jackets, gloves, and scarves.

To sort by type of clothing, put like items together – jeans with jeans, work pants with work pants, skirts and workout outfits with each other, etc. You could start with bottom pieces and work your way up the wardrobe.

  • The finer details are super important

Before all else, you need to do the groundwork first.

That largely involves cleaning, followed up by folding, although the latter will depend on the clothing in question.

We cannot overemphasize the importance of cleaning your fashion items before packing. This is especially crucial if you’ll be sorting your fabrics depending on season and don’t plan to remove some of them from the boxes for a good couple of weeks.

When it comes to folding, we can discuss this in two separate points that round up our list.

  • Packing your hanging clothes

Nothing beats wardrobe boxes when it comes to packing hanging clothes – hanging clothes implying items that work best on hooks and hangers.

Wardrobe boxes come with sturdy rods that make moving these clothes a dream. There is less work involved in packing, and they’ll be ready to wear irrespective of the distance you’ll be traversing.

Wardrobe boxes work best with fine garments and formal wear.

On the downside, they don’t come for cheap. The workaround is to DIY makeshift boxes.

  • Packing folded clothes

Some moving companies will allow you to leave clothing in dresser drawers. They’ll just tape them shut, wrap the dresser in plastic wrap, and move everything as is.

If your mover doesn’t work that way, you’ll need medium-sized boxes which work best with clothing. Small boxes are ideal for heavy stuff like books and antiques, and while not as heavy, large refrigerator-sized boxes are not ideal for packing clothes.

Don’t forget to line the bottom of your boxes with packing paper.


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