Beauty & Fashion

How to Soothe Red Skin

Certain skin conditions, for instance, psoriasis, rosacea, and acne can cause red spots or red skin, as well as rashes or sunburn. Find out how to soothe red skin.

Red skin may be bumpy or have a texture similar to a rash. For some people, especially those with rosacea, the redness may get worse if it gets too hot or too sensitive. Look into light therapy for soothing red skin.


We asked industry experts and certified dermatologists to explain what causes redness and how to soothe red skin. Just have a look!

What Causes Red Skin?

Not all red skin and rashes can be attributed to the same cause. Again, not all treatments and remedies will solve all problems as effectively as others. Before knowing how to soothe red skin, it will be helpful to identify the reason for the redness.

“Reddened and flushed skin can be caused by a myriad of factors, such as heat, rosacea,  drugs, alcohol, menopause, endocrine disorders, and carcinoid syndrome,” Guanche said. “Even some vitamins can cause temporary redness, like niacin.”

Also, numerous skin conditions can cause redness on the face. “These begin from irritation to contact allergy to acne and rosacea,” says Goldenberg. “If your facial redness is new and does not improve on its own or with over the counter products, see a licensed dermatologist.”

Home Remedies: How to Soothe Red Skin

Simplify Your Product Routine

If you suspect your red skin is due to an allergy to the product or excessive peeling, it’s time to simplify your product routine. “In general, I recommend removing all nonessential products in these cases, including makeup to reduce exposure to allergens. Once you have allowed the skin to calm, re-introduce the products one by one over some time. A visit to a dermatologist who performs patch tests is helpful in allergy-related causes,” said Vega.

Use a Cold Compress to Soothe Red Skin

If your reddened skin is not due to an underlying medical condition, you can apply a cold compress to the affected area. In most cases, the skin will turn red due to the widening of the blood vessels in this area, allowing more blood to flow. This is why some people experience hot flashes during exercise, alcohol consumption or embarrassment, which occurs in a minute.

To calm red skin, put a clean washcloth in a plastic bag filled with ice and leave it in the freeze for at least 15 minutes. Then withdraw the cloth and gently apply it to the skin for about 20 minutes.

Look into Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is a natural and chemical-free treatment to soothe red skin. Unlike the chemical or toning solutions you apply to your skin, the red wavelengths used in the LED therapy device penetrates the skin to stimulate cellular activity. It supports the production of capillaries to reduce hot flashes or redness.

Dr Joshua Zeichner, director of research in cosmetic and clinical dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, says “Red light therapy can have many benefits. It is anti-inflammatory and has been shown to help stimulate collagen.”

The Platinum LED Bio series produces a powerful but gentle wavelength of light that damages the blood vessels of vascular lesions without harming the skin and surrounding tissues. It is a painless, non-invasive, non-ablative procedure. This light therapy is free from side effects and is safe for all skin types. It is also safe for all ages.

Red light therapy accelerates the skin’s ability to heal blemishes such as acne or small cuts or scratches. It also repairs and removes stretch marks and scars. Red light penetrates thickened skin and nourishes skin cells. Due to increased blood flow to the surface of the treated skin, more nutrients are delivered to this area. This means that it takes out the skin to nourish itself. Oxygen-rich blood flows to the treated areas, which also increases hydration induced by a good blood supply.

Soothe Red Skin from Sunburn

If your skin is red from sunburn, Fran E. Cook-Bolden, MD, a dermatologist in New York City, recommends relieving bites and redness with a mixture of aloe vera gel, white vinegar and apple cider vinegar. He also suggests using these natural remedies to soothe sunburned skin:

  • Yoghurt
  • Iced tea (chamomile is particularly relaxing)
  • Cucumber slices
  • Lavender oil
  • Honey
  • Aloe Vera
  • Coconut oil

For example, Dr Cook-Bolden suggests placing cucumber slices directly on the red spots to cool, soothe, and reduce redness. Do you want more relief? She recommends making a simple mask by mixing cucumber and a cup of oatmeal.

Another home remedy Cook-Bolden loves to soothe red skin is a clay mask. Mix water or fruit puree with clay for the face to create a thick paste. Apply the mixture on the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Cook-Bolden is also a supporter of coconut oil. Coconut oil can help reduce red skin caused by sun exposure thanks to its antioxidant properties, she says. “Pure virgin coconut oil is the best formulation for sunburn, and although its exact mechanism of action is unknown, it has been widely used in Ayurveda, India’s traditional medicinal system.”

Coconut oil is believed to be absorbed through the skin and the cellular structure of connective tissues, limiting the damage that excessive sun exposure can cause. This protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, she says. Coconut oil also has antibacterial properties that are beneficial for the skin.

Final Thoughts

If your red skin persists, give a visit to a dermatologist who can determine whether you need prescription treatment or change your lifestyle. But to soothe itchy, dry or sunburned skin, a home remedy can be a quick and easy solution to restore calm to your skin.

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