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5 Tips For Keeping Your Hair Healthy

Keeping your hair healthy is important, no matter what time of year it is or what kinds of activities you’re planning. People who have good hair report feeling more confident in themselves overall — so don’t let a bad hair day get you down! There are easy ways to keep your hair happy, healthy, and vibrant every day. 

Customizable hair products are a great way to get your hair exactly what it needs. You can see Function of Beauty Reviews to see the wide range of options available. But what about daily hair care? Here are some tips for caring for your hair every day so it makes you happy.

1. Avoid Scalding Showers

A hot shower feels great, sure, but when it’s too hot, the water temperature can actually dry out your hair and damage the follicles. If you’re a fan of super hot showers, consider turning the temperature down when washing your hair, or using a shower cap to protect your hair and scalp from the heat.

2. Pamper Your Hair During Sleep

Silk pillowcases not only feel great, but they also help protect your hair cuticles by reducing friction. Cotton pillowcases or other fabric that has texture can catch and tangle your hair when you sleep. Using a silk scrunchie to secure your hair in a loose topknot can also reduce tangles; if you have thicker hair, try putting it in a loose braid before bed, or use a silk hair scarf to contain your locks. 

3. Shampoo and Condition the Right Way

Focusing the shampoo on your scalp rather than the entire length of your hair can help prevent dried-out or flyaway strands, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Use a good conditioner after a shampoo, so your hair gets the benefit of moisturizing and healing essentials it needs for healthy growth and shine.

4. Protect Your Hair While Swimming

A swim cap is a must for when you’re in the pool. Chlorine and other chemicals are rough on hair, and even with a thorough rinse and shower before and after a swim, the less stress you put on your hair, the happier it will be. If you’re swimming in open water, such as a lake or the ocean, a swim cap can also help protect your hair from water-born microbes or contaminants that cause irritation or dryness. 

5. Healthy Diet, Healthy Hair

Just like the rest of your body, your hair requires a good diet and balanced nutrition to thrive. Since hair is made up largely of protein molecules, it’s important to have enough protein intake in your diet to help your hair stay lustrous and strong. Lean meats, eggs, fish, and poultry are good sources of protein. If you notice your hair is shedding more than usual, it might be a zinc deficiency. Zinc-rich foods such as leafy greens and certain fruits and vegetables can boost your hair health — and help you eat healthier overall. Always check with your doctor about taking supplements, especially if you are on other medications.

Great hair makes you look good and feel good, so treat your hair with the care it deserves!

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