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Health & Wellness

What Everyone Ought to Know About Laser Treatmentṣ

Laser Treatments are quite a thing in the past decade and it is safe as well.

In Australia, it has gained quite some popularity, and a statistic shows that Australians have spent more than $1 billion on such treatments. So, if you want to go for laser treatment, you definitely need to know these things.

  1. Laser Treatment is promising but cannot get rid of a scar

This is one of the greatest dilemmas about Laser Treatments. The advancement in the field of science and medicine has been pushing dermatologists to suggest laser treatment more often. With laser treatments, it is like replacing a scar with another scar, only this time, it wouldn’t be as vivid.

Laser treatments help prevent post-surgery scars and also reduces the pain associated with them. What’s the best part about Laser Treatment? It can also help you in getting your motion back, which you had lost earlier due to a scar!

  1. The proficiency of the medical personnel who performs the Laser Treatment, matters!

Although people prefer cost-effective laser treatment, still you need to consult an able dermatologist. It will help you with a better procedure. There are a lot of things that can go wrong if you do not visit an experienced dermatologist. The laser treatment may not go as per plan and you will need multiple treatments to get the desired result.

There can be side effects to the entire procedure, and you will not get the right medication, or consultation to ease the pain. These things are very important, as laser treatment is highly experimental and requires nerves of steel.

  1. You must go for a medical check-up before the Laser Treatment.

A medical consultation followed by full body check-up is extremely crucial before you step into the office of your dermatologist for your Latest Treatment. They ought to know several things like skin type, characteristics of your scar, or any other medication that you consume on a daily basis, as tiny details of your overall health can cause a ripple during the laser treatment.

You need to open up to your dermatologist about your expectations from this laser treatment and discuss things in detail. You must also pre-inform them about your habits (if any) like smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc., and talk about any medical ailments like diabetes, asthma, etc. that you are suffering with.

  1. Do not step out in broad daylight, pre, and post-treatment!

The doctor will recommend you anyway, still, make sure you don’t step out in the sunlight before or after the treatment.

Skin tan is not good and you may feel the pain later. You may end up burning your skin in the procedure, or worse, you may have to reschedule the entire appointment.

  1. Certain Key Lifestyle changes is highly important

Success laser treatment will demand small changes in your daily lifestyle. If you are an avid smoker, it is important that you quit smoking for some time. Nicotine may not be that helpful for you. Limit your exposure to the sun to prevent tan or sunburn.

Also, there are certain medicines like Aspirin, Vitamin E, healthy supplements, etc., which end up delaying your immune system’s natural healing system. This can jeopardize your entire laser treatment and the procedure.

  1. You may require more than one Laser Treatment

There are cases where you may require more than one laser treatment. According to a recent study, it depends on the type of treatment you are doing but it takes almost 6-8 times to get the best results.

Hence, do not give up on the first instance as the consulting dermatologist will be the best person to help you with the number of treatments you will need!

  1. Certain Laser Treatments may not be covered in the Insurance

People usually spend a lot on skin and cosmetic laser treatment thinking that it is all covered in health insurance. Here’s a reality check, it’s not!

These kinds of treatments are usually therapeutic and not mandatory. So, most of the medical insurance companies do not consider such claims. Thus, you need to be extremely careful with the medical expenses for these treatments, as they can cost you a bomb!

Now that you know ins-and-outs of laser treatments, it’s time you make the call!

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