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Health & Wellness

How to Choose a Top Cosmetic Dentist?

It’s time to say cheese for the camera! Except, you don’t say cheese. You smile, but it’s not the same toothy grin that everyone else is showing off.

That’s because you’ve always hated the appearance of your teeth. That’s because you’ve always hated the appearance of your teeth. While going to a dentist can improve the function of your pearly whites, if you’re unsatisfied with their appearance, you’ll have to visit a cosmetic dentist in Houston, Tx.

The problem is finding a top cosmetic dentist in your area. You don’t want just anyone working on your teeth, after all. We can help you find the right person for the job.

Check out this guide to see what all amazing cosmetic dentists have in common.

What Is a Cosmetic Dentist?

Before we talk about what you should be looking for in a top-rated cosmetic dentist, let’s discuss what they do. How can they help you when a normal dentist can not?

Your regular family dentist can help strengthen your teeth and spruce them up with regular cleanings. Sometimes normal cleaning methods aren’t enough.

A cosmetic dentist can brighten your smile using teeth whitening methods. They can also improve your smile’s appearance using veneers, implants, and fillings.

Get a Few Referrals

If you know anyone that’s gotten dental work done, ask them who they went through for it. This will give you a general list of professionals that you can plug into Google.

From there, you can read reviews to see what other customers have to say about them. We also recommend visiting the dentist’s website.

This is because many of the reviews you read on Google are going to be negative. This is simply the way of things. By visiting the website, you can read positive testimonials.

Check Out Samples of Their Work

After you finish your research, you should have a few cosmetic dentists to pick from. Before you hop on board and book a consultation with a professional, get some samples of their work.

Most cosmetic dentists are proud of what they do. So proud that they display before and after images on their site for everyone to see.

If they don’t have images on their website (or don’t have a site), You can visit the office in person and ask for samples. They should be more than happy to share them with you.

Look At Credentials

Don’t move forward with a cosmetic dentist office without finding out what their credentials are. Ask them where they attended school.

Not many general dental schools cover cosmetic dentistry concepts. That means they have to take continuing education courses to get the training that they need to handle your smile.

Any qualified cosmetic dentist should be part of the AACD. To receive accreditation with this organization, a person has to complete extensive examinations, take part in those continuing education courses we talked about, and be able to document various dental cases. They’ll be more than equipped to take care of you.

Wide Range of Services

Depending on your case, you’re going to need more than basic treatment plans to obtain the smile that you want. You need to go to a place that offers a wide variety of services.

A good way to find out the limitations of a particular dentist is to make a list of the things you want to change about your teeth. Hand them this list when you go in for your consultation.

They’ll be able to tell you if they can take care of you or not. If they can’t, they might be able to refer you to someone who can tackle your needs.


The sad truth is most insurance companies don’t cover cosmetic dentistry. This means you’re going to be paying for a majority of your treatment out of your own pocket.

You might be able to find a dentist willing to work with your insurance. If you can’t find someone who’ll do that, try to see if they’ll take third-party financing options.


You might be able to get amazing service from a cosmetic dentist that’s just finished up school. That doesn’t mean that you should take the chance, however.

You want to put your smile in the hands of someone who’s had years of experience. It’s more likely that they’ve seen a case like yours before and will know how to help you.

Don’t Rush Through the Consultation Process

If you want to get the most out of your cosmetic work, you shouldn’t rush the consultation process. Take your time to ask questions and let the dentist know what you want to do.

From there, they can make recommendations and walk you through the treatment options. The consultation is where you can decide without a doubt if a particular physician is right for you. Pay attention to how they answer your questions.

Go With Your Gut

At the end of the day, the best thing you can do is go with your gut. If the dentist rubs you the wrong way during the consultation, you don’t have to follow through with the treatment.

These are only a few ways to choose the right dentist for you. Click here to learn more about finding a good professional in your area.

Find a Top Cosmetic Dentist

Are you unsatisfied with your smile? A cosmetic dentist can fix it for you and help you gain your confidence back. That is if you find a top cosmetic dentist in your area.

If you don’t pay attention during the consultation process, you may end up with a professional that you don’t feel comfortable with. That’s not good for anyone involved. Use the tips that you’ve read here today to get the right person for the job.

Are you looking for more ways to keep your pearly whites healthy and beautiful? Check out our blog daily for all the latest tips and tricks.

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