Beauty & Fashion

Diy Face Lift: 5 Steps To Tone & Tighten Your Skin At Home

Want to get the results of a face lift from your own home?

We all spend a lot of time looking at our faces, which may have you considering a face lift – but in this article we’ll prove to you that you can get the same results at home using a technique known as face sculpting.

Face sculpting is the hottest trend at the moment for lifting and tightening your face using one tool that we’re sure you already have – your hands.

We’ll be teaching you some basic hand sculpting techniques that you can incorporate into your everyday skincare routine for a DIY face lift. style=”font-weight: 400;”>Trust us, style=”font-weight: 400;”>you’ll be looking 10 years younger in no time at all </span<></span<> style=”font-weight: 400;”>Trust us, style=”font-weight: 400;”>you’ll be looking 10 years younger .

Prep your skin

Face sculpting works best as part of your skincare routine, so you should do these exercises before you put on any makeup to get the full effect.

To prep your skin for this DIY face lift, all you need to do is put a few drops of your favourite facial oil on your skin. Using oil is an important step as it will make it a lot easier to perform the exercises without tugging on your skin too much.

Also, Read {Skin Aging}

Warm up your facial muscles

Think of this DIY face lift as an exercise routine, you wouldn’t start exercising without warming up first, right? So you should start off this face lift routine by warming up your facial muscles.

There are a few different methods that you can use for this warm up, but no matter what you use it’s always best to start at your neck and then work your way up – this way you can be sure that you’ve worked on every muscle.

Start by cupping your hands and using your knuckles to massage your face. You should be applying a medium amount of pressure and use circular motions to help release any knots or tension within the skin.

Now, flatten out your hands and use long sweeping motions to pull your hands up across your face to drain away any fluid and tension.

Tightening the face 

Next up in this at-home face lift is to work on tightening and toning the face using quick and energetic movements.

Start with flat hands and sweep your hands across the face in long upward motions. This is similar to the movements in the first step, just a lot quicker.

Then taking your thumb and forefinger, use pinching motions across your face. You should be pinching larger sections of skin so that it doesn’t sting.

Finish this tightening step by using a technique called ‘deep piano fingers’ where, like the name would suggest, you move your fingers around your face as if you were playing the piano. Make sure to apply a good amount of pressure to make the biggest difference.

Deep tissue massage

After we’ve tightened, we can start sculpting the face with a deep tissue massage. For this face lift routine we’re going to be focussing on 2 key areas – the jawline and the forehead.

For the jawline you will want to take your thumb under your chin and your fingers just above, apply pressure and then slowly push your fingers and thumb out until you reach the jaw joint. You can use circular motions as you do these actions to see even more results. 

After repeating the step around 5 times you can move on to your forehead. Start by placing your thumbs on your temples and placing your fingers in the centre of your forehead. Using the tips of your fingers to apply pressure, start to pull your fingers towards your thumbs and then up towards the hair line.

With these deep tissue massage steps, the key is to apply medium pressure and use slow movements to really stretch and get deep into your skin.


Once you’ve finished sculpting and tightening, the final step is to use drainage techniques to make sure you have no fluid build-up within your skin.

Using the sides of your hand, use sweeping movements starting at the chin and moving out to the hairline and down the neck. Then use upwards motions when you get to your forehead.

You can finish off the routine with a spritz of your favourite facial mist, this will help to cool down and refresh your skin after the exercises.

Also, Read [Soothe Red Skin]


After this routine, you’ll probably notice a big difference in your skin – it will be looking de-puffed and feeling tighter instantly.

This routine takes under 5 minutes to complete so it’s the perfect easy addition to your everyday skincare routine, but something that will offer real results. The more you do this routine, the more results you will see!

Even if you’re younger and don’t think that you need a face lift, it’s great to make this part of your routine now so that you can enjoy the results of youthful skin later in life.

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