Beauty & Fashion

Where Can You Get Eyelash Extensions?

If you are reserving an eyelash extension service, ensure your eyelash artist is licensed and is an esthetician and not just a cosmetologist. Estheticians are particularly equipped with skin-oriented therapies, such as chemical peels, dermabrasion, and facials, and yes you got it right, lash extensions services. Ideally, attending an authorized esthetician whose main focus is lash services is your best bet.

Recall that occasion, when somebody could not look away from your eyes? Well… This is what eyelash extensions can precisely do for you! If you want to have Long lashes, eyelash extensions are a must-have for you.

With a lot of celebrities giving us endless eyelashes and make-up insight, it’s no surprise classic eyelashes and glamorous lash extensions are hugely in trend.

Let’s look at the benefits of lash extensions now.

Eyelash extensions work

With eyelash extensions, you can wake up with fluttering, gorgeous and long lashes every day. The procedure is incredibly effective at enriching your eyes and is amazing for almost everyone.

They are entirely customizable

The look with eyelashes can be natural or dramatic, work with the lash artist for deciding on the suitable curl and length of the eyelash extensions.

There are virtually waterproof

You shouldn’t get the extensions wet for the initial 48 hours, you could still shower, sweat, and swim in your eyelash extensions, the drier you maintain them, the more they will last.

It is a Pain-Free Procedure

The whole procedure is completely painless for everyone, from the start to the end. Dermatologists, estheticians, and plastic surgeons concur that eyelash extensions are safe.

So Will The Natural Lashes Grow After Removing The Extensions?

Eyelash extensions independently will never ruin the lashes. The devastation of the natural eyelashes is the outcome of the inappropriate application, or the lash stylist not determining the appropriate type of eyelash for the existing natural eyelashes. Some most significant factors can lead to the problem.

  • Applying eyelash extensions that are a little too large for the natural lashes will result in premature shedding of the lashes.
  • Rubbing the eyes also results in abrupt and unexpected breakage of the lashes.

That’s why looking in on an appropriately licensed esthetician is of crucial importance when getting eyelash extensions done. Nevertheless, you could do all things right and yet discover that the extensions end in breakage of the natural lashes. There exists a few factors that can’t ensure control over such as rubbing the eyes during sleep and if you inherently have a rapid lash cycle than a normal lash cycle. This could jeopardize your natural eyelashes which include inflicting your natural eyelashes to break off or fall out.

Remember though, lashes are nothing but hair and unless you are suffering from a pre-existing situation or ailment, hair should grow back. This means your lashes will surely grow back. Damage to the natural lashes is not idle and it is not sustainable, any kind of fallout or breakage should fix itself in 1 or 2 months. It is very much an aspect of a normal eyelash growth cycle.

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