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DIY various foot soaks

DIY foot soaks are a cost-effective way to pamper your feet at home. The foot soak can help dry and sore feet, as well as help relaxation.

This article discusses the benefits of foot soaks and how to make them at home. It also includes six recipes that can be used to ease symptoms like dryness and aching.

Research suggests essential oils may offer some health benefits. The fact is, though, the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate or monitor their quality. Before using essential oils, it is a good idea to consult a doctor. Also, they should research the quality of any brand’s products.

Foot soak

Depending on the ingredients, a foot soak may have multiple benefits. This procedure is used


Because most people have the equipment they need at home, foot soaks can be inexpensive and simple.


You can use the same materials and set-ups for all of the foot soak described in this article. A person must have the following:

  • A foot bath or basin large enough to submerge both your feet in
  • Hot water between and 100degF (33.3-37.7degC).
  • Clean towels

Set up the basin or tub on a non-slip surface. Add enough water to submerge the feet at the ankle. Next, prepare any other ingredients.

Foot soak for dry skin

A recent study suggests bath oil may improve skin barrier function for people with mildly dry skin. People with dry feet might benefit from oily foot soaks.

This is a simple solution for those with sensitive skin or eczema.


  • A few tablespoons of oil, such as coconut or Jojoba, for example.
  • colloidal oatmeal, optional


  1. Add the ingredients to the water. Stir.
  2. Soak your feet for 10-15 min
  3. Use a towel to dry the area.

After applying the oil-based moisturizer, a person can continue to use it. The American Academy of Dermatology highly urges using fragrance-free moisturizers without ingredients such as:

  • Jojoba oil
  • Glycerin
  • Lactic acid
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Lanolin
  • Shea butter

Cotton socks are recommended to allow moisturizing agents to retain moisture.

Foot soak to soothe aching feet.

Hot water can be sufficient to relieve tired and aching feet. Epsom, salt bath salt, may also be beneficial for muscle pain. Epsom salts are rich in magnesium. A magnesium deficiency can cause muscle cramps.

Research states that there is no evidence that bathing causes the skin to absorb significant amounts of magnesium. Some studies have shown that the skin can absorb small amounts of magnesium from bathing. However, Epsom salt foot soaks may be beneficial for some people.


  • 1/2 cup Epsom salt
  • If desired, add 3-6 drops of essential oil
  • 1 tbsp carrier oil if you are adding essential oils


  1. Add the Epsom salt to your foot bath, and stir carefully it to dissolve
  2. Mix essential oils with carrier oil in a separate bowl if you are using them
  3. Add the essential oil mixture into the water
  4. 20-minute soak of your feet
  5. Use a towel to dry your skin

During the foot soak, a person might also want to massage their feet. You can either add some marbles to the basin and massage your feet gently, or you can use oils to massage your feet when dry.

Foot soak for itchy feet

The National Eczema Association recommends the following bath for itchy skin. This can help people suffering from eczema or itchy feet.


  • Use lukewarm, not hot water
  • 1/4 Cup Baking Soda
  • colloidal oatmeal, optional


  1. Fill the basin with lukewarm, and then add your ingredients
  2. Stir until the baking soda is dissolved
  3. Soak your feet for a couple of minutes
  4. Use a towel to dry the feet.
  5. Apply an oil-based moisturizer, and let it soak in

Avoid rubbing or scraping the feet during a foot bath. Also, avoid harsh cleansers and soap.

Foot soak to exfoliate.

The feet can be softened by soaking in warm water. This makes it easier to scrub the skin with a pumice stone or foot file.


  • One cup of apple cider vinegar (ACV).
  • 1/2 cup sea salt, Epsom salt, or sugar
  • Carrier oil, such as Jojoba


  1. Add the ACV to your water and stir.
  2. Mix equal amounts of oil and salt in a bowl. Set aside
  3. Soak your feet in mildly warm water for 5-10 min
  4. Use the salt mixture to scrub your feet. Or, you can use a pumice rock or foot file.
  5. Use fresh water to rinse your feet and dry them with a towel.

Foot bath for relaxation

Many people soak their feet in foot baths to help them relax. Essential oils can also be helpful. A review found that lavender, roman chamomile, and geranium are all linked to relaxation.


  • 1/2 cup Epsom salt
  • 3 to 6 drops of essential oil (e.g., lavender, chamomile, or geranium)
  • 1 tbsp carrier oil (such as jojoba oil)


  1. Add the Epsom salt to your bath, and stir carefully it to dissolve
  2. Mix the essential oils and carrier oil in a bowl
  3. Add the essential oil mixture to your foot bath
  4. Soak your feet

Antifungal foot soak

Many ingredients in DIY skin treatments can also be antifungal. A relatively recent study shows that baking soda might be effective against many types of fungus.

Another study also found that tea tree oil decreased the growth of Trichophyton rubrum, a fungus that can cause nail infections.

These laboratory studies do not prove that these ingredients are effective in treating or curing fungal infections. A person might find that these ingredients discourage fungus growth.


  • Four drops of tea-tree oil
  • Two drops of lemon essential oil
  • 1 tbsp carrier oils, such as Jojoba
  • 1/4 cup baking soda


  1. Mix the carrier oil as well as the essential oil in a bowl
  2. Add all ingredients to the foot soak
  3. For 15 minutes, soak your feet deeply in warm water
  4. Use a towel to dry your feet. Before you put on socks or shoes, dry them with a clean towel.

The foot soak is not meant to replace medical treatment for fungal infections. A doctor should be visited if a person experiences fungal nail or skin infection symptoms on their feet. Another reason for consideration when you are getting someone a foot spa gift set

Safety tips

So as to ensure that foot soaks are safe and do not cause any further symptoms, it is important to take some precautions. It is a good idea:

  • Foot sensitivity: Some people might react to essential oils, or certain ingredients in foot soaks. Before dipping your feet in the bath, always do a patch test to ensure that the ingredients are safe.
  • Water temperature Before dipping your feet into the basin, check the water temperature. This can be done with a thermometer.
  • Open wounds Before using the method for someone with cuts, scrapes, or broken skin, it is a good idea to consult a doctor.
  • Essential oil safety: Do not add essential oils to water without first diluting them with a carrier oil. Essential oils that have not been diluted are potent and can burn the skin.

Do not use a razor to remove dry or dead skin from your feet when exfoliating them. Although similar procedures may be performed by medical professionals, it is not recommended that you attempt to remove dead or dry skin at home.

A person should not soak their feet in the foot bath if they have any adverse reactions. Consult a doctor if symptoms persist or become more severe. 

Final words

A DIY foot soak can be a great way to relax and soothe aching or tired feet. These can be a relatively quick and easy way to treat dry or cracked feet.

DIY foot soaks are not meant to replace medical treatment. A doctor should be consulted in a case when a person experiences persistent itching, cracked skin, or other signs of infection.

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