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How a Moving Checklist Can Make Your Move Go So Much Smoother

Moving is definitely exciting, but it’s also stressful. There is a lot to do before you leave your old home and move into your new one. It can be overwhelming, and it can be hard to keep track of everything. If you are not experienced with moving, there may also be some tasks that you aren’t aware that you need to do. Making a moving checklist can help remove some of the guesswork, and ensure that you meet every deadline and get everything done. Here are some of the top reasons why having a moving checklist can make your move go so much smoother.

Don’t Forget a Thing

The last thing you want to do when moving day comes is stop and realize that you forgot to do something. Depending on what it is, it could derail your entire moving plan. A good checklist, like Mayflower’s Moving Checklist, starts with tasks well before the actual move. You should plot out every single thing you need to do, from transferring utility bills to packing your knick knacks. The good thing about using a pre-made list is that it might have certain things that you were not aware of, so everything will get covered. When you are stressed out and rushing to get things, there’s a very good chance that you will miss something. Having a checklist will ensure that you cover everything and the moving process will go as well as possible.

It Will Help You Plan

Moving is not something you can at the last minute. You need to start planning your move as early as possible. If you start by filling in a checklist, or using a pre-made one, it will help you organize your tasks so that you will get everything not just done, but done on time. As you fill in your checklist, you can plot out timelines for how far in advance you need to do everything. If you need a certain amount of time to switch your utilities, or book your movers, then you can do that. You can even plan out packing up your stuff. Have on your checklist that you will start packing non-essential items early on in the process to get it out of the way.

Make Packing More Efficient

Setting deadlines is crucial for efficient packing. You don’t want to end up with only a few days before your move and too many rooms left to be packed up. With a checklist, you can set a deadline for each room, or each type of belonging to be packed. Start early, and give yourself firm deadlines for certain things. Make sure that you aren’t packing up things you might use, but also make some choices about certain belongings. If you think you can get by without using something for a few months until you get to your new home, then by all means pack it early or store it temporarily in a storage unit. Starting early and having time means you can also take the time to label boxes and carefully triage what you can sell or get rid of.

Make Sure You Have All the Supplies You Need

It’s frustrating and time-consuming to have to run back and forth to the store for supplies that you could have purchased all at once. With a checklist that plans out the move, you can get a good sense of what you will need and buy it all at once. Take a look at your belongings and determine what size of boxes you will need, and how much tape it will take, for instance. Make sure that you have all the moving supplies you need well ahead of time so that you aren’t rushing around as moving day gets closer.

Avoid Losing Important Documents

One thing that tends to happen when people are rushing to pack is that documents get lost. Everything from a certain drawer or cabinet gets tossed into a box with a bunch of other stuff or less important documents, and it can be near impossible to track them down. With a checklist, and the early start with deadlines it helps with, you can take the time to make sure that your most important paperwork is set aside and packed so that you can easily find it. You don’t want to end up needing to enroll your children in school and not have any of the necessary identification documents at hand.

Reduce Your Stress

Probably the most important thing that a moving checklist can give you is that it will reduce your stress. Moving is one of the most stressful things you can do, and if it’s combined with a new job or new schools, then it gets even more stressful. By being prepared with a checklist, you can reduce a lot of that stress just by being organized and knowing that everything you need to do will get done.

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