Beauty & Fashion

What Makes Moissanite Jewelry Affordable?

No amount of jewelry is ever sufficient, is it? There’s always room for more in our jewelry boxes. Because wearing the right accessories, particularly jewelry, not only completes but uplifts the entire look. However, jewelry articles, with precious gemstones, tend to be quite expensive. And it can be very difficult to buy one.

Now, not everyone is lucky to have a boyfriend/fiancé gifting diamonds worth thousands of dollars. Some have to make their own luck and buy precious jewelry from their own pockets. And trust me, those of you who do this, you have my respect.

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Coming back to jewelry and women’s fascination with them, there are so many choices available. But, of course, diamond takes the cherry. However, since not everyone can afford it, we’ll talk about a comparatively affordable alternative to this naturally occurring gemstone – moissanite. A gemstone that’s growing in popularity due to its affordable rates, moissanite is a perfect choice whether you’re looking for jewelry articles for every day or event use.

It is significantly affordable as compared to diamond, but features an almost identical look. It’s hardly distinguishable from the diamond. Also the look and sheen is on par as well. Due to all these features, moissanite jewelry often makes its way in many jewelry trends.

Let’s take a look at two main reasons that make moissanite jewelry affordable:

Man-Made Gemstone

Diamond is a naturally occurring gemstone that has a spectacular sheen and appeal. However, moissanite, on the other hand, is man-made. It is manufactured in laboratories using silicon carbide. This is why it is comparatively affordable.

Less Demand

Another factor that makes moissanite more affordable as compared to diamond is that it has a comparatively low demand. The reason is that most people prefer diamonds due to their class and brilliance. Whether it’s engagement day, wedding anniversary, or any other occasion, the diamond is the number one choice among many.

Moissanite, even though, exudes the same level of brilliance and elegance, is often not considered on par with diamond. This reflects in its demand as well. And since the demand is lower, the price remains in a reasonable category as well.

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Apart from the affordability, there are numerous other factors that go in the favor of moissanite jewelry. The topmost among them is that moissanite is durable. It can last for a long period and there will be no impact on its look and appeal, provided you’re taking care of it properly. In case you do not take care of moissanite, it can get cloudy and lose its glow.

Tips to Maintain the Value of Moissanite

You can follow these tips to maintain the value and look of moissanite jewelry:

  • Take warm water and put some mild soap in it. Put the moissanite jewelry in this solution and gently scrub using a cloth or soft toothbrush. Make sure to clean hard-to-reach areas. After you have done cleaning, rinse off soap residue and take lint-free clothes to dry it.
  • Do not use harsh chemicals to clean your passionate jewelry. This can lead to corrosion. Many people make this mistake and end up damaging their ring.
  • If it’s of utmost importance to deep clean the ring, it’s better to seek a professional cleaner. They have non-abrasive and non-toxic jewelry cleaners that are specifically formulated to clean moissanite rings.

Is Moissanite Better than Diamond?

Ideally, there should be no comparison between both gemstones, simply because one is man-made while the other is manufactured in a lab. However, their identical look often stirs this debate about which one’s the better choice.

From an affordability point of view, moissanite certainly takes the cake. It’s clear, available in many shapes and designs, and can be worn on any occasion. However, if you are fond of authentic products, diamonds are a better option.

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In the end, it all boils down to your requirements and budget, of course. Having said that, if moissanite is your preferred option, make sure to get it from a reliable and trustworthy source. Many online jewelry stores have moissanite jewelry, but for the best designs at the most competitive rates, you can check out the collection at It is the best place to buy delicate jewelry articles having the best-quality moissanite stones.

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