Beauty & Fashion

How Is Technology Changing The Fashion Industry?

We are in the Insta-age of fashion and tech as social media has largely changed how we consume fashion and how people want instant access to trends and all things latest. At the same time, there’s a crowd that seeks products that are customized and tailored specifically. Fast fashion is also gradually losing its charm as consumers are evolving and becoming more environmentally conscious. These are consumers who want to replace fast fashion with brands that are aware of the materials they use and how long they last. All of it is directly impacted by social media trends and the ways in which people are consuming technology.

Want a career in the fashion industry and start a B design course? Read on to find out how technology is disrupting the world of fashion.

Artificial intelligence

Recently, brands have been focusing on using artificial intelligence to enhance the shopping experience for their customers and various other things like analyzing existing data on customers and their buying habits, forecasting trends, offering inventory-related guidance, and such. For instance, today many major stores are using AI chat, touchscreens, and chatbots that enhance the shopping experience of the customers. The technology behind AI helps businesses track the journeys of their customers, the products they like, and the products they are likely to love. Today, AI is also used for different features in fashion such as its powerful prediction tools that help in forecasting the right styles and accurate quantities which keeps brands at a competitive advantage.

Novel fabrics

Novel fabrics are certainly the future of fashion as this way is certain to give designers an edge to set their designs and appeals apart while also opting for sustainable fashion choices. For instance, the development of these novel fabrics has provided safe and alternate choices to fashion that do not arise from harming animals. Some startups focus on lab-grown leather, strong spider silk threads for the same results.

From greater emphasis placed on comfort to using exciting new fabrics, the fashion industry has adapted to the contemporary demands through innovation. This is most evident in the advancement of wearable gadgets and apparel technological innovations. Over the past few years, there has been a massive growth in demand for responsive sportswear, smart clothing, multi-functional designs, etc. As our everyday lives are getting influenced by our online presence, technology affecting fashion is a natural phenomenon and should be welcomed with all its splendor and possibilities of innovation.

Besides this, technology has also given birth to products like try-on apps which have become revolutionary for the industry. Tech apps like Dressing Room help people with their experience of fitting easier as these apps allow customers to try on outfits of their choice on an avatar before they make a purchase. This helps them understand if they are buying the perfect fit so that later inconveniences can be removed.

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