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Adolescent Acne: Learn the Best Acne Treatment for Teens

A study done by the National Institute for Health showed that 80 percent of the population between the ages of 11 and 30 are affected by acne. So, if you are having this problem and feeling affected and discouraged by it, take comfort in knowing there are many before and with you in this similar predicament. This also means that a lot of research has also been done to see the best ways to improve the situation and find long-lasting solutions.

Acne outbreaks in teens are caused by fluctuating hormones, which is very prevalent among youth in this age range. The fluctuating hormones increase the oil production in the system.  Acne breakouts happen when the oil or sebum combines with dead skin and traps the bacteria. This leads to inflammation and clogged pores and acne all over the face and shoulder region.

One of the biggest impacts of acne appearance in teens is that it deeply affects their self-esteem and confidence. In a bid to find the best acne treatment for teens, some may fall into traps that only end up making their acne worse. That is why it is best to have accurate knowledge on the best acne treatment for teens.  Visit site to learn more.

Here is a three-step process that has been approved as being a safe and among the best acne treatment for teens by dermatologists:

Cleanse your skin:

As we have seen, the cause for these acne breakouts is trapped oil underneath the skin. The oil or sebum, therefore, needs to be cleaned out with a cleanser. A good component to look out for in the best acne treatment for teens is salicylic acid as it controls oil production while still increasing hydration.

It’s always best to avoid products with paraben, sulfate, and gluten and choose those that are fragrance-free. Also, avoid using fragrant soap as it can be harsh on your skin. Another good tip for young women is to wash your makeup off before you go to sleep.

Hydrate and moisturize your skin:

Most skin types will require you to do your moisturizing routine twice a day: in the morning and evenings. The natural hydration process goes from inside the skin to the outer skin layer and a lack of hydration causes dry and flakey skin. This is especially true in extreme weather conditions. Using a moisturizer on your skin will help prevent this. It’s an added advantage when the sunscreen includes a broad range of sunscreen to help protect your skin from the dangerous sun rays.

Treat your acne spots:

This form of treatment is great because you get to deal with acne right from the second they appear on the skin to when they are gone. Products containing retinol, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid work well for this as well. The best acne treatment for teens is one which dries out the individual pimples when they are single appearances.


It’s never too early to get started on your journey to clear skin for boosted confidence. No more popping pimples and having aching sores when you have the best acne treatment for teenagers out there. Remember to be gentle with yourself throughout the process and seek a doctor when symptoms persist.

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